How to Rename Netlify’s default Subdomain name

Steve Matindi
3 min readMar 29, 2021

By default, netlify gives your project a name like [bravo-xtango23akjdhdjd], which sometimes can be hard for your friends or colleagues to recall or even type on the search bar. In this blog post, I’ll be showing you how you can easily rename it to a name of your choice.

Definition of Terms:

  • Netlify -> Netlify is a San Francisco-based cloud computing company that offers hosting and serverless backend services for web applications and static websites.
  • Domain -> A domain name is a human-friendly address, sometimes called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web address. It was created to make IP, or Internet Protocol, addresses more accessible and easier to remember. e.g or
  • Netlify subdomain ->Netlify term for the default domain with the form [name-of-your-site] given to each site.
  • Custom domain: a non-Netlify domain assigned to a site, e.g

To rename netlify subdomain to a name of your choice for example [trab] accessible by your friends on and easier to remember, follow below steps:

  1. Login to netlify:

2. Navigate to you project within netlify and click on the arrow pointing right (check screenshot below) which will take you to your domain settings:

3. After following step 2 above, you’ll be presented with two options( Site settings and Domain settings), click on -> Domain settings

3. The final step after clicking Domain settings in step 2 above, is to navigate to Domain management -> Custom domains -> Options -> Edit site name as seen in screenshot below.

4. Rename your project with a name of your choice and if a name you want to use is already taken, think of another one to use and remember to click save. See screenshot below for an example:

With that done, now you can easily share the URL with your friends to view your project. I hope that helps!



Steve Matindi

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.” — Von Goethe